Parts catalogue – Service packs – Stock control

  • Create your own parts catalogue and save typing in the same’ part name’ every time
  • Enter parts onto an invoice as a’ non stock item’ if you don’t want to use the parts catalogue
  • Create service packs to enter a group of parts onto an invoice with just one click

Stock control (included - but you don’t have to use this feature)

  • If you choose to use stock control you can analize every part you have sold and to which invoice
  • Set ‘Buy in’ and ‘Selling price’ to see what margin you have made
  • Group parts such as tyres by size to use with our ‘Price checker’

Service Packs

  • By using a ‘service pack’ you can add a group of parts to an invoice with 1 click
  • Create as many service packs as you need. You can name the service packs with your choice of name
  • Parts included in the service pack can show their own price or no price’