GB Pro V3 Full Workshop
    Management System

  • 1 Forever Licence (No renewals No contracts) - its yours forever move from PC to PC
  • Desktop Management with the data kept on your premises
  • Network Ready within your premises (also easy to work from home)
  • Will work in and display your Currency

Forever Licence Price: £695

  • USD
  • AUD
  • NZD
  • EUR
  • ZAR
Buy Online Now Immediate Download
Call Us: UK 0800 011 33 50

Other countries- View Contact Us Page

Your 'Forever' Licence Means

  • GB Pro is yours forever No additonal cost
  • You can move from PC to PC
  • Desktop Management with the data kept on your premises - its your data


GB Pro V3 Lite Garage
Management System

  • 1 Forever Licence (No renewals No contracts) - its yours forever move from PC to PC
  • Send SMS Test and Service reminders
  • Desktop Management with the data kept on your premises
  • Will work in and display your Currency


Forever Licence Price: £495

  • USD
  • AUD
  • NZD
  • EUR
  • ZAR
Buy Online Now Immediate Download
Call Us: UK 0800 011 33 50

Other countries- View Contact Us Page


Prices do not include VAT

which is added only to UK Sales


Traditional Desktop Management - Your Data stored on Your PC - Your Data will remain your Data - Its on your PC


GB Pro V3 is a traditional management system whereas you install the software on your PC and as importantly the data is also on your PC - its not stored in the cloud in somebody else's control - its your data on your PC, to take home as a back up copy, if you wish. Its your business data so you have the peace of mind to be in control of it. Backing up your data with a build in back up procedure so you can back up to a memory stick or a cloud account (OneDrive - Drop Box etc).


GB Pro V3 does not need the Internet to work (other than sending SMS or emails). So if you loose the Internet for whatever reason you can still carry on producing invoices and running your business.


Great opportunities to also be able to login from other locations to access GB Pro V3

To renew an existing Technical Support Contract (BUSIESS Guard)

  • GB Pro 1 year Single User BUSINESS Guard (click to see what is covered)

  • Optional annual techincal support and maintenance package for single licence users who already have a current valid support contract they wish to renew. If you use our software within a network environment please see the costs below, which provides for additional support for network licences.
  • Networking Support

    If you are networked please multiply the amount of Activation Counts you have, and purchase the corresponding support (using the Quantity at checkout to enter the number of 'Counts' you have.
  • View your Activation Key here: Check here

  • Example: One User Licence support £295 + VAT - : 2 users would be £245 x 2 = £490 +VAT- : 3 users would be £245 x 3 = £735 + VAT (+ VAT is only in the UK)

Upgrading to GB Pro V3

You can upgrade from any of our previous garage management systems to GB Pro V3

  • Upgrading to GB Pro V3 (with a current support contract)

  • GB Pro V3 Single User Licence (includes data transfer fee)
  • GB Pro V3 each additional user network licence
  • Upgrading to GB Pro V3 (without a current support contract)

    Upgrade to V3 single use and*data transfer fee
  • Upgrade to V3 single user + 1 year BUSINESS Guard support and *data transfer fee
  • *The data import needs to be done by our support dept and typically will take 4hrs- this means that your Customer, Vehicles, Job sheets, Invoices, and Payments will be transferred to V3.
  • Networking Licence Fees

    GB Pro each additional workstation (this includes the Job sheet Viewer in GB Pro V3)network licence (LAN networking). If you have installed GB Pro V3 on one PC and you wish now to add an additional workstation via the LAN (Local Area Network) or more LAN then you multiple this amount by the number of additional licence you need.

Prices do not include VAT which is added to all UK Sales only. Terms and Conditions