Upgrading to GB Pro V3 from one of our previous systems

Whats New

  • Thinking of upgrading ....see what we've added in GB Pro V3

    See the latest version of GB Pro V3



  • If you are using any previous version of GB Pro V3(GARAGEBase Pro) you can upgrade automatically without losing any of your data - just install the latest version and all your data will be there (we always recommend backing up first). If you are using an older version of our software (V2) then you are genuinely missing out on a lot of new benefits and features that the latest version will bring to your business.

Upgrading from any of our previous Management Systems

  • You can upgrade to GB Pro V3 from any previous management system this includes our Garage Master / Garage 2000 / 2004/ GARAGEBase and GB Pro V2. You will still have all your current customer details, vehicle details, invoicing, payments, job sheets and service history data. At present this is not an automated procedure however we can do this for you and provided you have a broadband connection, this takes typically only a couple of hours.
  • If you are using any of the above you can upgrade to GB Pro or GB Pro Lite. There is a limited learning curve on how GB Pro works compared to your existing software, so you won't have to learn how it works, you will then have all the benefits of our latest software and all your current data. .

GB Pro V3 Nov 2022

V3 Introduces some significant additional features to GB Pro: These include (for UK) VRM look up. This is available from Motor Specs and is a paid service (optional to use or not). . Daily back up options to ensure your data is protected.

You can now set reminders for any purpose, this is done by having the option to set a reminder and reminder date at the end of each job line - having set the reminder you can them email your customer with the reminder details.

Workshop Job Sheet Viewer: This now provides an easy solution to push jobs thru to your workshop (an additional licence is required). The application in the workshop then lets the technician acknowledge they now the job is waiting. Jobs can be monitored with the parts added via the main GB Pro. Job sheets can be printed from the Job sheet viewer.

Take a closer look at GB Pro Plus V3

At this time the upgrade from V2 - V3 is not done automatically, so please contact us for further assistance.

GB Pro PLUS (V2.21) October 2019

In this major upgrade we have re designed the screens to make better use of wide screen monitors. The upgrade is based on V2.20, so not only are there lots of additional features which we have incorporated into V2.21, the screens now in GB Pro Plus are better proportioned for todays wide screen monitors. As always, no customer data is lost when you upgrade to GB Pro V2 .21. Upgrading to V2.21 is automatic from any previous version of GB Pro V2


GB Pro V2.20

Options to send invoice as PDF with or without discount column Sep 2016*

You can select to automatically attached the invoice as a PDF and choose to show the discount column or not

Invoice Header and Footer Graphic Aug 2016*

We have added a Header and Footer option for invoice.  Both these graphics are inputted from Master Setup - Company details - Imported Graphics

In the Invoice per vehicle screen you can select this option by pushing the check box beside 'Your Heading 1st Page'. Button wording will now change. You can then print this off or if the end user now selects to email the invoice this header and footer option will be attached as PDF.

Joint Service and Test Reminder Letter*

In SE1 Test reminders , there is now a joint test and service letter for any Tests and Services that fall due between the dates in B and A.  You must first select a letter ref which will form the content of the letter. For technical reasons the letter must have the word ‘email’ in its ref if it does not then the letter will not appear in the drop down list. Push the ? button for an explanation.

Imported graphic May 2016*

In SE1 any button which says ‘imported graphic’ is controlled by the path shown in Master Setup “ Company details “ Imported graphic ( for the invoice). This means the end user can control this graphic..

Postcode list May 2016*

Customer Postcode list can now be saved as an XLS file.
SE1 (left hand side)

Timing belt April 2016 *

Timing belt (cam belt)Reminder:  Date is entered via the button called More “under VT 12 button in Vehicle Details.  This button was previously a graphic.
The reminder is then sent from SE1 in the Service section (far right).  It is a telephone  list from which the garage owner would ring the customer.

*Available as a download via our support dept or self extracting zip file from support area. For users within their initial 60 days support or users on a support contract. Why?

GB Pro V2.18 (below)

Move your GB Pro licence from PC to PC (Nov 2014)

From Nov 20th 2014 all new and upgrade users will be able to install the latest version of GB Pro (and Lite) and now control their own PC licensing. If you have a current support contract or you are within your initial free support period you should upgrade to the latest version. This will bring significant benefits to both you and your business, you can move your licence without any involvement from us. You can find a more detailed explanation of our new Activation procedure and how it works from this page.

With the continuing development of more sophisticated operating systems ( Windows 8 and the new Windows 10 are good examples) and a greater emphasis on internet security, we are pleased to say we have kept up with all these changes and technologies and continue to provide our users with a robust software solution which you can be assured will provide the information your business needs when it needs it. However, unfortunately this does mean that we have to draw a line under older systems, so we are unable to support older versions of our software (this includes all versions below V2.18). This does not mean you have to stop using our older software - it just means we don't provide support these versions anymore. If you have a support contract you can download product upgrades as part of this contract - and if you prefer we can install your upgrade for you free of charge. GB Pro V2.19 will still work on Windows XP (with Service pack 2 installed), Vista, Windows 7, 8 or 10.

GB Pro Remote App Invoice Viewer (Beta version) October 2014

We have released a free beta version of our Remote Invoice Viewer App. This is available to all existing users of our software who might want to provide this Remote App to their clients - the type of GB Pro user that might use this would be a garage that maybe does a lot of work for motor traders such as MOT testing. The PC requirements to use this Remote App are different from the normal use of GB Pro, so if you are interested in using this Remote App please contact us for more details. The remote application is completely separate from GB Pro. Your customers will need a PC with Windows 7, 8 or 10 to use the remote app.

The Remote App can be used for your clients to view invoices, payments and print off an invoice. Your clients can also print off a full time statement. The information provided in the invoice viewer is information that has previously be shown or would be shown on a typical invoice. Users need to be provided with login details and can only view data that you have selected.

Convert Estimate to Jobsheet or Invoice [added October 2014)

You can now convert an estimate to either a Job sheet or to an Invoice. This applies to all new estimates that you create (it does not apply to previous estimates you might have created). If you are converting an Estimate to an Invoice then you will also be able to transfer the parts used in the Estimate without the need to re type the parts used for the Invoice.

If you are transferring an Estimate to a Jobsheet before an invoice you can transfer the parts from the Jobsheet to the Invoice but in these circumstances the parts must be selected from your Parts catalogue. Or if you wish you can transfer an Estimate to both a Jobsheet and an Invoice at the same time.

You can also email the Estimate using a pre entered template that you can create in Standard Letters. To use this you will need to have MS Outlook installed on your PC.

Export Product Names- prices - to XLS [added October 2014)

You can now export your Product name list to an xls file (found in stock control - product analyses

Default value added to Invoice sub category [added October 2014)

You can now add a default monetary amount in Master Setup - Company details. This amount will then be entered into the 2nd invoice category from bottom by default when you push' New Invoice'. If you do not wish to use this then leave this box (in Company details) at the default of 0.00.

If you are NOT exporting to Sage you will see a small box beside the top invoice category, use this to add 10% to the invoice category 2nd from bottom


Graphic Link on Invoice header [added September 2014)

You can now link to a graphic on your PC which replaces the imported invoice graphic. This can be found in the master setup - this replaces the need to create and rename the custominvoice.bmp file.

Motorbike option on Job sheet [added September 2014)

Uncompleted job sheet report added. Motorcycle image added to job sheet as an alternative to the car.

Batch input of products received [added September 2014)

You can now add multiple parts into stock from a single supplier in the products received section.

Grouping Ref for product search [added September 2014]

Price and Stock check: Group parts by a grouping reference number this means that you can now add the same grouping reference to a selection of parts - and then check the stock and price of the other parts with the same grouping reference.

GB Pro V2.17

Invoice Chase Feature [added July 2013)

You can go to Accounts Manager - Unpaid Invoices - and now send out 'Chase' reminders either by email - SMS - or letter. - its so easy to use with all the wording preset by creating a template letter in the Standards Letter. You make a quick note from this screen (unpaid invoices) of what you said (or sent) via the invoice quick notes. You can create as many template letters as you need and alter the content of the wording depending how overdue the payment is.

Drop and Go [added July 2013)

Brand new feature which allows for the speedy entry of jobs when the customer turns up at your premises, its a busy time and without having to take all the customer or vehicle details - its just a few mouse clicks and the job is booked in and your customer is finished and away. [Watch Screen cast].

Warranty Details [added July 2013)

When you add a product or part to an invoice you can now record who the supplier was (default list comes from your list of suppliers - or if not there just type in suppliers name). You can also record the warranty details ie. 3 months 1 year etc. You can create your own entries for these in Stock Control - Product Analysis - or just type in at the point of sale the details - these details are not shown on the invoice they are there for your records only - the quickest way to recovery warranty information is to use the 'Instant Service History' on the GB Pro Start Screen and from there select the Invoice and Parts.

Other Items [added July 2013 - July 2014)

We have also added various reports that our users have asked for - this include Make and Model list with Engine size included, shown again owners. We have also re instated the old report for the VT12 for users that still use this part of the systems. Other reports include a list of invoices which remain unpaid between any 2 dates - this is in addition to the normal complete list of unpaid invoices. Aged debt by customer with your own entered dates - Email list created as xls in bulk email created all from Customer Details - All time statement from Customer Details - Accounts, print as report or pdf

GB Pro V2.16

Appointments Diary (added Jan 2013)

Brand new appointments diary with incorporated one click email and SMS appointment confirmation - you can set the diary up for MOT bays and or Service bays and have unlimited number of bays for any reason - all with their own start and finish times. You can use the diary without an internet connection however if you want to send the one click email and SMS confirmations then an internet connection is required.

Email your MOT & Service reminders (added Jan 2013)

Send MOT and Service reminders via email (requires MS Outlook (see Mozilla note below and the internet) also the options for send bulk marketing emails. You can also use our optional online MOT and Service live booking system (www.motorwebonline.co.uk) this is a great way to get your customer to book their MOT or Service straightaway as soon as they get the email.

If you do not have MS Outlook you could try Mozilla Thunderbird as an alternative... its free, we have tested Thunderbird on 32 bit Windows and it worked with GB Pro. You will know when it works, after installing and setting up Thunderbird with your email account details, push the button beside the email address in Customer Details - provided you have an email address in this field Thunderbird will start up and you should see your senders email pre entered, and the recipients email pre entered. If you are using a Standard Letter template within GB Pro (push the email button in vehicle details), all the information is there on your email, however you will notice that the paragraph structure is not separated, it shows in one big block, however very easy to separate.

Email Marketing (added Jan 2013)

Let your customers know what is going on - you can now send a marketing email to all on your email list - this is done within GB Pro ... so no need to install any other software.

Purchase Manager - Export to Excel

You can now export your purchase input data to Excel

November 2011 GB Pro V2.15

Make and Model restored to Estimate BD070511
Option to reprint invoices now added to 'Make payments and 'All invoices' ) BD070511
Added car graph count (search engine 2) BD070511
View unpaid invoices by type of account (Accounts Manager) BD070511
Full vehicle Licence No list - Search engine 3 BD030911
Transfer Job sheet parts to Invoice with 1 button click (Parts entry entry) BD030911
Update and new date sort on 'Purchase Manager' BD031211
Fax invoice format (no grey boxes) tick check box in print options under 'Parts Inv' then push the 'inv hrs b' button BD030312
Send Statements only to accounts that have an outstanding amount BD030312
Send mailshot letters to selected post codes - Search Engine 1 - Enter the full or partial post code and then select the letter you wish to send to these customers BD030312
Vehicle running cost between 2 dates (Vehicle detail screen - cost button) enter your start and end date in the small pop up boxes BD030312
Invoice prompt letter. This is a letter that will be sent to accounts with an outstanding balance - its purpose is a'gentle' prompt for payment. BD030312

January 2011 V2.14

More options on Customers spending graphs “ See Chart Man bottom right hand corner of Customer Details screen BD040610
Procedure to change Private Plate registration numbers (Search Engine 3) BD050810
Invoice Start no “ Accounts Manager “ Master setup BD181210
Full vehicle details available from Instant Search History BD181210
Customer List with their Vehicle Details (List found in Search Engine 2 ) BD070710
Balance Accounts for Account Customers Statements: Part payments amounts shown against each invoice with payment details BD050810
Additional statement added SE1 “ short Statement showing only outstanding Invoices “ no balance or payments show. BD050810
Mailshot options for Miss Mrs or Ms only BD050810
New additional Invoice design for parts only “ does not show vehicle details (A4 only) BD050810
Family member SMS: You can now add an SMS Mob number to a vehicle “ We have used the Other number / Chassis box. If you still need this box for any reason please continue to use it. When the vehicle is transferred the Other number box is now reset to 0 so if you need this number then make a note before transferring BD050810
Purchase Manager “ Print out a Check off list of suppliers invoices received and your payments made between your entered dates. BD090810
Diary Appointments deletion added in Search Engine 2 BD260810
Last customer invoices (Search Engine 3) enter your own dates BD051010
Print a job sheet with a list of parts that you have added to the job sheet BD151210
Estimate “ search improved “ Delete added via Search Engine 3 (bottom right) BD181210
Instant Service History “ full vehicle details added via ¦ more button BD181210

November 2009 V2.13

EASY Bulk SMS is now incorporated into GB Pro and GB Pro Lite so there is almost no setting up to do before you can start sending text messages for your service and MOT reminders.. From the master setup enter your BULK SMS user name and password “ Garage Name and Phone number and that is it. From the Customer Details screen “ Vehicle Detail screen “ and Search Engine 1 you can now send a SMS text message to your customer. Provided with one click of a button. The message has the customers vehicle reg in it “ Test or Service date your Garage Name and phone number. If you want you can change any default message to suit your business “ but most will find the default message perfect. This is a great way to communicate with your customer “ and the cheapest at only around 5p per message “ but you must have broadband on your PC to use this part of the system. This version does not use a hasp/dongle. You must exchange your hasp for an activation code within 28 days.

March 2009 GB Pro Lite released

Whats the difference between GB Pro Lite and GB Pro

November 2008 V2.12

Purchase Manager: This has now been added allowing users to complete their full VAT returns using just GB Pro. The export to Sage still remains and has been made easier. We have also added a new front screen and one or two other cosmetic changes including some great looking graphs for customer spending totals etc.

August 2008 V2.11

Added security: You now have greater control to access various areas of the system by Access Level passwords. This is set in Master Setup™. The old delete password can now be changed by the owner. Access Level passwords can be turned on or off and set up from within Master setup “ Access level Passwords.

SMS (text) messages for service and test reminders: You will now be able to send groups of personalized messages containing the owner name “ licence number and test expiry date for test and service reminders. From Search engine 1 you can create the file that contains this data and then import it into a variety of SMS applications “ this way you can choose the best SMS deals and are not tied into just 1 application. We have a link from Master setup “ Application Buttons to SMS providers.

Service packs: Create Service packs™ from your parts list and then add them to an invoice by the click of 1 button. Service pack prices can be the same as the individual selling price or can be reduced or not shown at all.

Lock invoice: You can now lock an invoice at the Invoice per vehicle™ screen. Unlock using the Access Level™ password if you are using it.

Export to Sage: We have made it easier to capture the data when exporting to Sage. Please note that existing users who use Export to Sage will need to go to Accounts Manager “ Master setup “ Tax entry. You will need to ensure that your nominal names are correctly set up within GB Pro. This should only take a minute or two.

What we have removed: We have removed from Accounts Manager “ Stock control “ Supplier details, the ability to allocate individual parts supplied by each supplier. We found that this method was over complicated and not used by anybody (based on our help questions and research). Please note this does not effect the ability to name the suppliers in the Product name™ entry screen which remains a vital and much used part of the system. To safeguard your data Customer Name™ changes / Edits are now are done from Search Engine 3.

March 2008 V2.10

What™s been added:

he ability to send text messages for test and service reminders ( the software for this (SMS Sender) is free and will be released after final testing is complete). You will ideally need an ADSL ( Broadband) connections on your PC to use this feature. You will also need to prepay for the messages that you send approximately 5p per message.

We have included 3 application buttons that you can program to start other applications while still running GARAGEBase Pro

One of these will be for the DVLA look feature that is being arranged and due to go live very soon.

From Search Engine 1 you can now print Avery labels for Test and Service Reminders

Payment of your raised invoices can now be made by just the click of a button from “ Customer details “ Pay inv button. Cash sale invoice receipts should still be entered via the account button as normal.

Feb 2008 TRUCKBase Workshop Management released

(new product and not part of GB Pro)

New Product aimed at Truck repair businesses: All the features of GARAGEBase Pro + VOSA safety check reminder letters- Yearly safety check planner ( for your customers) “ 2 & 6 yearly Tacho inspection dates and reminders “ Tail lift weight reminders LOLA + Add credit card percentage charges to invoices. TRUCKBase is not available as a download so please contact our office on 0800 011 33 50. Please note that TRUCKBase is a separate standalone application and requires Windows XP (Service pack 2)or Windows Vista to run.

Sep 2007 V2.9 “ Our best ever new feature “ it™s a must

You can now move vehicle service history from owner to owner “ allowing you to see a full history of what work you have done to a vehicle and when “ no matter who owned the vehicle. You can also view service history and see what customer owned the vehicle when you did the work to it. Gone are the days of full stops and commas !!

An additional invoice layout which prints nothing from GARAGEBase Pro in the top 2.5³ of the invoice: View this new invoice format

April 2007 V2.8 “ Compatible with Windows Vista and XP

The full install version is now compatible with Windows Vista “ plus all other versions of Windows including XP and Small Business Server. If you intend to use GARAGEBase Pro on a Vista PC now or in the future then you will need at least the full install of V2.8.

Aug 2006 V2.7 “ includes new invoice design

  • You can now add an Order Number to the Invoice “ Stock profit margin is now shown as an absolute price and not an average
  • Increase your parts price by a fixed percentage globally™ either by Product Category™ or the complete parts catalogue.
  • Increase your hourly rate to all customers by a fixed percentage.
  • An additional new invoice layout with the option to print without a discount column (called short invoice) and also redesigned to avoid going to 2 pages so soon “ we have had positive feed back on this design during testing.
  • The option to print an invoice showing the total hours and the agreed hourly rate
  • Stock values shown on stock check report in product analysis.
  • Cash accounting paid added customer name and postcode
  • The choice to print an invoice showing a discount column or not in the parts list, on the invoice “ Short invoice¯
  • Job sheet telephone number added and new job sheet design.
  • Customer details inv list : drill down to now see payments allocated to that invoice
  • Payments allocated to each invoice listed by invoice date in SE3 Group banking date report
  • Vehicle service history now readable from start screen Vehicle licence number¯ box: Click yellow vehicle no box¯
  • Send SMS (Text) messages to your customers “ for example to inform them of when their vehicle is ready for collection or no